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    606 West 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201

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  • Sunday:  8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am
  • Infant through 5th grade Sunday School classes available
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Church Safety, Community Sexuality & Food Service

Posted by John Repsold on

The events of last Sunday in Texas where an entire country congregation was virtually killed or wounded by a lone gunman have brought church security to the forefront of every church-goers mind.  So I thought it important to let you know what Mosaic has been doing behind the scenes over the past few years to protect everyone God brings our way. 

This Sunday, at the end of each service, we will be spending a few minutes educating everyone as to our standard safety procedures as well as answering any questions you may have about them.  Honestly, our safety team and the logistics of the Mosaic Center combine to make this one of the safest ministry facilities in our city.  Hopefully you will see why after Sunday.  But…keep praying for God’s gracious hand of protection and power.

Additionally, this week has held a couple of very surprising and important decisions affecting God’s people and our city.  The first is the news that Moody Northwest will be closing their Biblical Studies Campus after the end of this semester in May.  While Moody Aviation will continue here in Spokane for now, this is very disappointing news for many students as well as the churches (like Mosaic) that love, cherish and value each and every student.  Please be praying for our students as well as the future of biblical education in Spokane.  God must have even greater things in store for all these students and faculty as well as our city…somehow.  So keep praying!

The second piece of news I learned about yesterday morning when I got a call from a reporter at The Spokesman Review.  He asked what I thought of the Spokane Public Schools Administration decision to drop the Planned Parenthood sex-ed curriculum that was on track to be imposed district-wide.  I tried not to shout, “HALLALUJAH!” on the phone.  Apparently the school administrators decided it was not worth the conflict such a move would have brought to our community and school system.  This complete change of direction was a miracle of no small proportions!  So now the work begins to build bridges of relationship with our diverse community as we seek to educate our youth in the truth of God-given human sexuality.  So keep praying!  (Are you starting to see why prayer meetings, prayer days and prayer cells are so important?)

Finally, as Youth for Christ begins ramping up their work downtown, they are in need of teams of people who will prepare snacks and meals two to four late afternoons a week.  This is where we get to put our faith into action.  Will we really love downtown teens by sacrificing our own time, money and energy for them…or will we just say we love them?  Will we let God break our hearts for teens as we serve them week after week, month after month and hear their stories…or will we insulate ourselves from their pain and sometimes crazy behavior by hiding out at home or in our apartments?  It’s our choice.  And it’s God’s kingdom work.  So please pray about whether or not God wants YOU to do something about this ministry opportunity...soon. 

See you in His presence this weekend.

Pastor John  


Tags: prayer, safety, serving, sex-ed, spokane youth

