NotesSep 17, 2023Building Spiritual Family FellowshipPreacher: John RepsoldKeywords: darkness, encouragement, fellowship, light, serving, comfort, devoted to the saints, one-anothers, humility through confession, shared prayer
NotesSep 10, 2023Fellowship with God--LifeTogether2023Preacher: John RepsoldKeywords: trinity, partnership, fellowship, sharing, having in common
NotesAug 13, 2023Building Generational FaithPreacher: John RepsoldKeywords: modeling, next-generation faith, 3 chairs
WatchNotesAug 06, 2023Circumcise Your HeartsPreacher: Jess AchenbachKeywords: home, moses, heart, circumcision, deuteronomy
NotesJul 30, 2023Life-Giving Lessons from Life-Taking FailuresPreacher: John RepsoldKeywords: sin, leadership, rebellion, idolatry, intercession, hardness of heart, family systems
NotesJul 09, 2023Blessings from ObediencePreacher: Jess AchenbachKeywords: rahab, obedience, santification, achen
NotesJun 11, 2023Generational SpiritualityPreacher: John RepsoldKeywords: love, god's word, parents, parenting, great commandment, grandparents, passing faith
NotesJun 04, 2023Fear that RewardsPreacher: John RepsoldKeywords: god's presence, revelation, obedience, revival, blessings, fear of god, awakening, responsibility
NotesApr 30, 2023The Pinocchio ProhibitionPreacher: John RepsoldKeywords: truth, judgment, speech, lying
WatchNotesApr 23, 2023The Cancer of CovetousnessPreacher: John RepsoldKeywords: heart, greed, attitude, covet, covetousness, action